Daily Prayer For Today

Daily Prayer For Today

In these few quiet moments, let us pause and direct our hearts towards our Lord and Savior. Whether you are seeking solace, giving thanks, or asking for guidance, this prayer is for you.

Prayer โ€“ My Lord is Able!

My Lord Is Able Prayer!

The world today is filled with negativity. You look at the news, social media, and around you, and it’s crime, wars, hatred, and malice. Don’t allow this to control your…

Prayer For A Tired Soul

Prayer For A Tired Soul

Dear Father, today I woke up, I’m alive and blessed but tired and exhausted. I apologize for all my complaining. But I couldn’t help it because You are my Father….

Prayer Against Selfishness

Prayer Against Selfishness

One of the wonderful graces to possess is that of selflessness. But, unfortunately, selfishness abounds. In todayโ€™s world, we have become preoccupied with self and satisfying the desires of self,…