Daily Prayer For Today

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Daily Prayer For Saturday 27th July 2024

Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

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Let Us Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, as I come before You today, I am filled with gratitude for the beauty and strength found in unity. Thank You for the body of Christ and the strength we find in our unity.

Lord, I ask for Your guidance as I seek to foster unity in my family, friendships, and community.  When disagreements arise, give me the wisdom to seek understanding and the humility to prioritize harmony over being right.

Guide me in recognizing and appreciating the diverse gifts and perspectives within the body of Christ. Show me how our differences can complement each other and make us stronger as a whole.

As I interact with others today, may I reflect the unity that comes from being one in Christ. Let my words and actions promote peace, understanding, and collaboration among believers.

I thank You for the power and blessing that flow from unity. May my life contribute to the beautiful tapestry of Your diverse yet united church, bringing glory to Your name and drawing others to Your love. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

The Blessing of Unity

  • Ephesians 4:3-6 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
  • 1 Corinthians 1:10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

Living in Harmony

  • Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
  • Colossians 3:14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

In Closing

This day, focused on The Power of Unity, reminds us of the strength and beauty that emerge when believers come together in harmony.

It encourages us to actively pursue unity, recognizing that our oneness in Christ transcends our differences.

May your Saturday be characterized by experiences of meaningful connection and collaboration with fellow believers, as you contribute to the powerful witness of a united body of Christ.

Isaiah 65:24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet, your Heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?

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  1. Lord I pray for be writer of these prayers to continue to give them wisdom to create more prayed to help those of us who are on the journey of getting closer to you. I find so much peace in these prayers and itโ€™s making it so much easier for my walk with Christ! Iโ€™m so excited for more prayers! God bless everyone!


  3. Good Morning, I pray that you all & your families are all doing well this morning. I’m so extremely grateful for this website. Bcuz I’m not really good at praying. And I come here & I always find a beautiful prayer to pray to my Heavenly Father. And this one was absolutely perfect. Bcuz I’ve been dealing with a lot stuff here lately. I’ve been in pain for about 4 years now & I need a hip replacement & I’m only 46 years old! I can’t even walk with using a cane. And I can’t walk around at this cool farmers market around where I live with my husband & my kids bcuz of the pain I’m in. And I’ve been really depressed bcuz of this. The quality of my life has gone way down since 2020. It’s crazy bcuz I’m healthy it’s just this dang hip that’s causing all of the problems. And it makes me mad bcuz I know that our Heavenly Father has not given us the spirit of depression or anxiety or fear! But one of power, love & a sound mind. So I’m literally having to remind myself of this on a daily basis! So brothers & sisters plz pray for me & for my hip to healed. I’ve been praying & I’ve been saying to Abba Father if I’m meant to have a bad hip until the day that he calls me home then so be it. Bcuz like when Paul had that thorn in his side & Jesus wouldn’t take it out, but yet he told Paul that his grace is sufficient in Paul’s weakness. So if I must live in weakness for the Lord’s glory then I’ll do that!! And at first I gotta be honest when I asked the Lord Jesus for healing & it didn’t happen I felt like I was doing something wrong bcuz it’s it the Lord’s will that we’re healed & happy & prosperous?? But then I remembered that I don’t need to be healed or prosperous to be happy. I’m a daughter of the Lord Jesus Christ Almighty dang it & I know that he loves me! And I’m healthy & I’m married to my best friend & I have 2 gorgeous sons who love me. And we’ve got a roof over our heads & food on the table & clothes on our backs! So we’re already rich at least imo. And I know that by the world’s standards we’re poor but by the Lord Jesus Christ Almighty’s standards we’re rich! And I couldn’t be happier or blessed more than that! I love you brothers & sisters so much & I’m praying for all of you & your families all around the world. And my prayer for those who don’t know the Lord Jesus yet is that they seek after him like they seek for their next want or need. And that the Lord Jesus shows them who he is & that they all repent & give their lives to him! And get baptized & receive the Holy Spirit! Thanks again for this site it’s been such a a Wonderful blessing to me & others as well! May Abba Father continue to Bless you & Keep you. May he cause his face to shine upon you & be gracious unto you. May he lift up his countenance upon you & give you his Beautiful Peace which surpasses all understanding in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    1. Thank you so much, i was replying standing in agreement with you that you may receive healing in Jesus name but you have touched my heart even more, for you have made me feel blessed by your prayer, May you and your family continue to be blessed and May God show up in a wonderful way for you to have a testimony for many, In Jesus name. Amen

  4. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you for your continued grace and mercy. Be a light that I may follow. I pray for abundance and increase that I may break generational curses and be a blessing to many.

    1. I stand in agreement with you & together we pray this in Jesus name, Amen! Much love to you & your family โค๏ธ

  5. Please pray for my walk with the Lord Jesus for godly wisdom that God will give me eyes to see ears to hear and a heart to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking, for a miracle and godly wisdom in finances.๐Ÿ™

  6. Lord I just want to Thank you for keeping me covered an strengthen me through these hard times I trust you with everything an all Glory belongs to you Lord Thank you Amen

  7. Lord I thank You that I became a part of this group. I have learned a lot. Lord I am feeling lost and I need Your guidance and direction in the way to go. My financial situation is in shambles and word says cast all my cares and burden at Your feet, so here I am giving it all to You. Strengthen me Lord because I am weak in spirit and need a divine intervention right now amen. Please pray for me

  8. Iโ€™ve been waiting for a husband and children for almost 40 years. Iโ€™ve moved around and such, still I canโ€™t be found or find anyone who will love me. They pick up and leave. They try to circle back around. I am tired of it. Over it and ready to move away and move on. God has led my steps to moving back home with my family by blessing me with a gorgeous home, yet I feel empty. I am taking steps to be blessed, but Iโ€™m scared God doesnโ€™t want to give me kids or a husband. I just want a guy who will love me and who loves Christ. Once he loves Christ he will ensure that our relationship is brought back to Gods throne. I want to raise our family up in God, but I can only get that if God sends it to me, so I ask in complete desperation that the Lord send me my husband and bless me with children. I am tired of waiting and time is running out for my eggs. God please hear me, bless me with my godly husband, love, care, truth, children, and help us to raise our family up in You. I also pray that I am blessed with a great job where ppl genuinely love me, uplift me, grow me, and support me. I am so tired of going through the wrong things. My flesh is failing. I canโ€™t get the help I need and I need you Lord to fix everything in my life. May my life change to reflect You and Your goodness. Thank you Lord. Amen. Please pray for me yaโ€™ll! Iโ€™m moving forward and moving on!

    1. Dear sister,keep looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith.There is nothing too hard for Him to do. You are not older than Sarah nor Hannah in the Bible.Let God’s peace rule your heart and mind.As you pray ask God to reveal His purpose for you here on earth.I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened

  9. Lord, send a fresh wind! Send destiny helpers, Father. With faith we are crying out to you. Hear our supplications and answer our prayers, Father. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

  10. Thank you dear Lord for this brand new day. Give me a sound mind and remove all negative thoughts from my head. Bless me oh Lord. Enlarge my territory as you did with Jabes. Protect me and my family from all harm and danger. This I pray in Jesus name. Amen

  11. This is such a beautiful confirmation from the Lord to me. I belong to a wonderful community of believers. And we study the Bible every Monday – Friday. And afterwards I asked if there were anyone who needed prayers & I got a lot of ppl who really needed me to pray for them. So now I keep a running list of ppl who have asked me to pray for them. And now I come here for the daily prayer & I see this!! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ Almighty for how you love us & how you Minister unto us thru others!! I appreciate this website & everyone who is a part of it. I’m so grateful for this place where I can pray & mister to the Lord & also be ministered too. May Abba Father continue to Bless you & Keep you all & your families. May he cause his face to shine upon you & be gracious unto you. May he lift up his countenance upon you & give you his Beautiful Peace which surpasses all understanding in Jesus name I pray, Amen! I love you all & I’m praying for you & yours.

  12. Thank you so much for this site. I just discovered it today. I feel strengthened.

    I have struggled most of my years because of generational curses and covenants made. Please help me in prayers l need a breakthrough. Thank u!

  13. Father God, thank you for rest and protection during the past night. Thank you for blessing me with another day, the last day in 2023. Thank you for all you have done for us during the year. Your love, peace, forgiveness, protection, loving kindness and tender mercies were inexhaustible. You provided all that we needed, you were faithful to all your many promises despite my unfaithfulness. I do not have enough words to offer my sincere gratitude to you.
    I surrender my life anew to you as I enter 2024. Guide and direct me Lord, for I recognize that I need you every minute of each day. I cannot do without you.
    Help me to obey the promptings of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  14. Heavenly Father please forgive me that I have made many financial mistake’that I found myself in great debts, father please guide me a wisdom that I should understand how to maintain my financial in a good ways and bless my family ,my son and myself for this coming new year .Amen

  15. Dear God

    I lift you up this morning, I give you praise because your name is worthy of praises
    I thank for you and am so grateful because you are still providing you are still making ways out even when I feel I’m struggling in my financial situation thank I know that my financial situation is partly my fault I am taking full responsibility for it right now Lord I need your help Lord I need learn how to control my spending so that am able to save for my future and give more to help build your kingdom and also help those who more in need but I can only do that not by my own strength but relying on your strength to help me and guide me I want be more responsible in my spending help me Lord Jesus and show me Amen

  16. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, for all your promises are yes and Amen ๐Ÿ™.. Bless the Lord oh my soul, for He is Faithful.. I give all Honor and Glory to God the Father, The Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit Amen ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™Œ

  17. Thank you God for giving me strength to deal and cope with my husband medical condition. There God continue to lift me up and him as we wait for healing. Thanks for fighting for us. Victory is yours. To God be the glory.

  18. Good morning Heavenly Father. Thank you for allowing us to see another day. Pray hedge of protection over my family. God may I grow in faith and trust of you. Remove any fear or doubt any anxiety. Lord Father, you say you wonโ€™t leave or forsake us. I pray ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  19. Happy memorial day to all! God bless you always. Thank you for your love and support. Keep me in your prayers for God’s guidance, protection, strength, knowledge of the word of Jesus Christ. Vernell Hill

  20. Help me today Father I beg You. I awakened in anger and I’m wondering why I should stay in this group ๐Ÿ˜ข. I know this is an attack. Strengthen me, Father. I need you โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ™

  21. Father God I’m so grateful for this ministry as they are a blessed vessel that You use to reach Your children. When I come here I always seem to hear the prayers I need. Thank You Father this prayer along with scripture, is just what I needed ~ โœ๏ธ ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ™ โค๏ธ Amen and Amen ๐Ÿ™

  22. Lord I thank you for be there for me when my hardest times come around!! Lord thank you for this Christian prayer group it helps me alot to focus! Lord I pray that you continue to be my provider in my hard times especially when to pay out, you’re my guidance and everything. thank you Lord!! Amen

  23. This prayer is perfect I’m praying these thoughts for my daughter ๐Ÿ™life asking God to help her and for her to let him guide her life fully and to lean on him trust him have faith in him and heal her heart โคand soul leave these men alone ๐Ÿ’” and ๐Ÿ™praying for my grandchildren 15,10,7,18 months ๐Ÿ™

    1. Having Christ as our friend is the best friendship and relationship we can ever attain;therefore let’s strive to attain this friendship by obeying the Lord and a life of love and righteousness and our Lord Jesus Christ will bless us with His friendship and attention. Lord teach us Your way that we may never abandon it.Lord,we also need your friendship that comes with joy and peace…We thank You in Your holy and mighty name Jesus Christ ๐Ÿ™ Amen..

  24. Thank you, Dear Lord and Father, this prayer for today is just what I needed as I was going through some upsetting situation but by Your grace I ‘m at peace now. Praise and glory be to Your name.

  25. Thank you my God.
    In your name I declare that all curses and spiritual attacks will now be removed.
    They have no power and In your mighty powerful name GOD all those works of evil will be destroyed right now. I claimed all this in Jesus mighty name

    1. Every morning when I wake up, i look forward to these prayers and for most days, they are speaking about how I feel or what I am going through. I look forward to my prayers every morning and every every evening.
      Thank you christianstt.com as you help me draw closer to God.

  26. Thanks for this prayer and the Bible verses I work at a place where I am not appreciated and yesterday I had a really bad day. Thanks for the motivation by brothers and sisters in Christ. Continue to bring hope. May all who need this see it, have a blessed and productive day.