Prayer Against Negativity

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Heavenly Father, I come before You in humility and gratitude, praising Your Holy name. Grant me strength today, dear Lord. Strength to withstand the cunning works of the devil as he persistently tries to seep into the depths of my mind.

With authority, I rebuke his negativity out, standing firm in Jesus’ mighty name! Lovingly envelop me, Lord, under the protective and redeeming blood of the Lamb. Infiltrate my mind, my body, and my soul, ensuring that no darkness finds a foothold.

Guard and guide me with Your supreme divinity, so that any negative thoughts that arise are promptly met with and deterred by my unwavering, unbreakable faith in You.

Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Change My Thinking

Father, shield me so that the enemy has no way to enter in. Lord, I need the Holy Spirit’s presence upon my life. May He guide my thoughts in the direction of positivity.

Oh lord, help me to change my thought patterns, so that I can be focused on You and Your promises. Dear lord, I pray that today, you give me the strength to control my thoughts. Lead me in a plain path and restore my soul.

Proverbs 17:14 “The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out.”

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Prayer For Protection Against Negative Forces

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart, seeking Your divine protection against all negative forces that aim to disrupt my peace, purpose, and well-being.

I know, Lord, that in this world, challenges and adversaries are inevitable, but I also recognize the unmatched power of Your love and grace. I pray that You shield me from any harm, seen or unseen, and fortify my mind, body, and spirit against those who wish to bring darkness into my life.

Lord Jesus, my Savior and Protector, I take refuge in Your name and the promises You’ve made to those who believe in You. Cloak me in Your armor, so that I may stand firm against any negativity, ill intentions, or evil spirits that try to penetrate my defenses.

I trust in Your boundless mercy, knowing that with You by my side, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Fill my heart with courage and faith, reminding me that even in the face of adversity, Your love is my greatest protection. Amen.

Break The Chain Of Negativity and Negative Thoughts

Oh Prince of Peace, embrace me with your unwavering tranquility and boundless love, so that my mind can find solace amidst the chaos and uncertainty of life. Surround me, Lord, with the assurance of Your presence, ensuring that doubt and fear cannot take hold.

Break every chain of negative thoughts that seeks to bind me, as I fervently speak prosperity and positivity into my life. I am reminded that life and death lie in the power of the tongue, and so, with conviction, I speak words of hope and faith.

Today and always, I declare and decree that every stronghold in my life, birthed from negative thought patterns, is shattered and rendered powerless, all in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!

Ephesians 5:20 “Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good, for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

DECLARATION – I declare that I’m released from the spirit of fear, from the negativity of the world and from the spirit of disappointment. I declare the word of God upon my life wherever I go! – 2 Timothy 1:7

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  1. Thank you, heavenly Father, for peace and your love, thank you for your protection over me and my family. Thank you heavenly Father for releasing my grandson and protecting him from all hurt, harm, evil, and danger. Heavenly Father let no weapons form against me and my family In Jesus Christ’s Name Amen. Protect us from the wicked work of Satan in Jesus’ Name Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  2. Amen 🙏

    Dear God, thank you for another day and all the blessings in my life. Please bless those less fortunate including animals struggling In Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏

  3. Holy Spirit Thank You sharing this message with me today. I needed this very badly my a lot of members of my family are very negative people I will be sharing this with them give them eyes to see in ears to hear. Thank You Jesus I Trust In You Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world Amen

  4. Thank you God for your reminder everyday that my heart and soul belongs to you. I rebuke all negativity in my life and pray for positivity to show and I glow with the love of God.

  5. Dear God I give you praise and thanks 🙏 this morning thank for speared life
    Thank you 🙏 because I am still on the land of the living where I am able to make my crooked ways straight and my ways made right thank for your love and protection thank you 🙏 for being my shelter in the time of my storm ⛈️ thank you for Lord for being my strength each and every when I am feel down you Lord pick me up when feel sad you remind me that you will never leave and you will not forsake but that you are always with me I thank you 🙏 Lord today in Jesus name 🙏

  6. Dear Lord, I thank you for gift of life, thank you for every u have done for me up to this day.
    As I start my day, guide me with Ur knowledge, wisdom, in every step I make, decisions I take, every word I speak, protect me, cover me with your precious blood.
    I pray for the sick, father stretch Ur healing hands on them, for the dead, I pray for there souls to rest in peace. I pray for our parents, guardians, friends guide, protect them shower them with Ur blessings.Amen.

  7. Father God in the name of Jesus christ name of Nazareth I release my son Boitumelo from the spirit of of negativity, anger and hatred for his family. I replace it with the spirit of peace, love, sound mind, joy and longevity in Jesus christ name amen amen amen amen amen

  8. Hello my dear friends God bless all this New years 2023 I ask that you stand by me in prayer for my protection against the evils of this world.!!! Thank you

  9. Please pray for my mother Cecilia . She passed unexpectedly I hope she has found her peace and finally out of pain. Jesus pls help me stay away from negativity in my life. Please help me with my addiction to drugs, alcohol,abusive toxic relationships, food my addiction to everything I have abused in my life!amen

    1. Jamie Marie, I pray you find strength to surrender everything to God, that is when you will be able to overcome the strongholds in your life. Humble yourself to the all mighty God. And, trust HIM with the little things as well as the big ones. He will never fail you. I’ll be praying for you.

  10. I’d really appreciate if you can pray for me as I am in a bad place, a person that I work with is trying to Destroy my life and I am not the only one that has had bad thinks happen to me at this current company they beat each other up he has been putting me down and judging me as if I am a dirt ball! I refuse to all this company bad behaviors on be little me tearing me down cursing at me causing me to be in a bad place I am so scared of these people that are so called manager s they constantly pull people down talk about how dumb they are this manager and others too tried to get me fired for a ticket that was open for 20 days they placed the ticket into my queue then said that I did not close it they also said that I did not complete a training that was non mandatory and said that I neglected this company has done nothing but tear me down say evil bad things message me evil down grading message and then tried to me fired then I’m a sick day expects you to work I was on call and missed a time that a report needed to be submitted he wrote me up on the sick day does nothing but put me down I am a Person that does not want harm to know one they even message other contractors and employees and tell them they are stupid and these managers are prompt to agree they do nothing but tear people down how can you talk or communicate with people that day nasty evil things and then act as if they done nothing wrong it is very stressful to look for a new job and have this company stalk me and then threaten me and it’s unbelievable that anyone can get a job done done his is a known place for this behavior from their employees and contractors they are quick to belittle fire and say nasty evil words and act as if they do nothing wrong all while trying to make they life a living hell

  11. Hello my dear friends at a ChristiansTT, thank you very much for your love and support. I am really in need of prayer if you can stand in the Gap with me on this situation. I’m in school to get my GED and I try to stay focus and study hard. Somehow or another, I’m not comprehending the way I should. I pray that God will give me knowledge, wisdom and understanding what a Discerning spirit then he will give me the energy, mentally as well as physically, to complete all of my school work ,become a great student, so he will be able to use me one day to do the will of God. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day.

  12. Father GOD, in the name of JESUS, I praise you and worship you lord. Abba, today is very challenging for me, pls give me and my family your peace presence love. Father, I need you to open doors for me I need kinder people in my life that can help me move forward. Abba pls listen to my prayers in JESUS name protect me and my family from evil doers and destiny blockers. Guide us to do your will in JESUS names amen amen amen thank you ABBA. I love you.

  13. Please pray for the Precious Holy Spirit of God to deliver me from female masturbation, rejection, negative sexual thoughts and loneliness. I want to fly and soar as the woman God created me to be. In Jesus Name Amen.
    Thanking you kindly church

  14. I am going through much depression. I got a transfer in my job in last a distant place and every day husband drop me there at and most of the time, he wait there till 3.30 pm. Trying to get back a transfer since September as I have lots of health (neuro and thyroid related) issues and my mother is an alshimerze disease patient who never sleeps at night and Father Parkinson patient. So I have to be awake all night with them and also go for job.

    I am not getting salary since September as I am on leave most of time. Also I haven’t given any dues clearance to last worked institution. Whenever I try to go for there I feel so desperate and I am unable to do it. I prayed and I believed I get transfer back to old institution and I am able to continue the same work there if I have to cleared dues.. But I failed to get a transfer and now I am even unable to pray. I feel so sad

    please pray what I should do. Whether I have to go and clear my dues or as my desire God give a transfer back to the old institution.

  15. I praise You my dear Lord Jesus Christ,
    I need You, Lord Jesus. Shield me and please guide my thoughts in the direction of positivity.
    May the negativity thoughts that arise be blocked by the unbreakable faith.
    Today, I break every chain of negative thoughts.
    I pray that today, dear God,
    May You give me the strength to control my thoughts. Amen.
    I declare the Word of God upon my life wherever I go.
    Thank You, Lord Jesus, for You lead me to walk in a plain path of righteousness.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  16. The bible says God hears out prayers I need help with prayer worries to help me flood the gates of heaven with prayer for saving my family. The devil can not take there souls forgive pls play that devil has no hold on me again pls help me

  17. Lord as I continue this day grant me the serenity for the the things that I cannot change courage for the things that I can change and wisdom to know the difference. Continue bless us as we move forward in our on daily acts, give us the strength to embrace you with love and direct us in the path of righteousness.

  18. Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning. I love Lord. You are my strength, my sheild and my provider. You unchanging hands are awesome. Thank you for all of your grace and mercy you have shown me. Please continue to keep your hand on the beautiful daughters you have given me father. I Love you God with all of my heart, mind and soul. Thank you for sending your only son for die for me Lord. There in no one like you. I love you Lord. In Jesus name AMEN

  19. Just want to give God thanks and praise for another day lord and to continue to guide me and protect me day in and day out shine your light upon me help me to stay focused .

  20. My mother see people and talk to them try get them to Leve her home but no one else see them what is the best and fast prayer to get rid of them please let me no thank you Christy