Morning Prayer For Blessings, Strength And Forgiveness

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I am the righteousness of God. Lord, I am blameless, I am holy in your sight. I have Jesus inside of me, who gives me strength. I am loved. Because of His grace, I am able to surrender all unto my Savior.

Oh, how I love Jesus, because He forgave me even when I doubted myself. He lifted me up above many storms. I am who I am because of His love. And yes, I am ready to follow Jesus. I am ready to serve, honor, praise, and worship Him.

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Seeking Daily Blessings And Strength

Lord, every day is a testament to Your magnificent creation, a canvas painted with the hues of Your love. I pray that today, and every day, You bless my endeavors, guiding my steps, fill me with strength and illuminating my path.

Whether I encounter valleys of doubt or mountains of challenges, may I recognize Your handiwork, seeing blessings even in adversity. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You, turning every moment into an opportunity to glorify Your name.

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Numbers 6:24-25 The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.

Praying For Strength

Today, I woke up asking for your strength, my Lord. Not that I deserve it, but because the love you have is so great. I just need to ask to receive.

My Lord, I pray that your mercy overshadows my life, my faith, my career, children, friends, family, enemies, and everything else I say and do.

Renew me, transform, reinvent me and open my spirit so that I can be who You want me to be and that I carry out the purpose you have created me for.

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. And, they shall walk and not faint.

Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Drawing Strength From Above

Mighty God, life often presents trials that seem insurmountable, moments that test the resilience of my spirit. In these times, I seek strength not from worldly sources but from Your endless reservoir of power.

Strengthen my heart, fortify my spirit, and equip me to face the day’s challenges with unwavering faith. May I never forget that the same power that raised Christ from the dead resides in me, ready to bolster me in every endeavor.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Psalm 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.

A Heart Yearning for Forgiveness

Compassionate Savior, as I navigate this journey of life, I’m acutely aware of my transgressions. There are moments when my actions and words don’t reflect Your teachings.

Today, I come before You with a contrite heart, seeking forgiveness for every misstep. Purify my heart, cleanse my soul, and renew my spirit, so that I may walk in Your ways, embodying Your teachings in every aspect of my life.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Praying For Forgiveness And Love

Forgive me for everything wrong. Disconnect me from everything that doesn’t please you. I dedicate this day unto your faithful hands. May your songs of joy, love, and praise forever rejoice in my heart.

I can feel your love. I am enveloped by the Holy Spirit as I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Jesus, I love you because You loved me first.

In Jesus’ name, I thank you for listening and answering my prayers and prayer requests. Thank you Abba Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray, Amen.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Morning Prayer For Blessings, Strength And Forgiveness

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  1. Lord I thank you for saving me and keeping me in this dark world of sin. And God you know I made a vow to you that am going to serve you for the rest of my life and I meant it from the depths of my heart. The road is rough but I can make it by your grace who can separate me from the love of God nothing a true heart that read’s these words join me in prayer to be faithful to God until he comes to take us home to be with him in Jesus name keep fight the good old fight of faith my brother and sister in Christ

  2. Sweet Jesus, thank you for awakening me this morning, as I know one day I will not awake and will be with you in your Glory. Lord, my requests and needs are mere pittances to what you have in store for me. Still, Lord, I need further income to keep a roof over my head and food in my body for strength and good health. My only request is for you to strengthen me so that I may follow you all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

  3. Thank You Abba Father God for Your mercy that is new every morning. You are great and faithful and I thank You for being with me always in the mighty name of Jesus Amen

    1. God loves me and my children. He saved us during the darkest moments of my life last year. He is taking me through the storms of financial and debt adversity that I am currently going through. He is making a way where there seems to be no way. Hallelujah, God is good all the time. Praise the name of the living God. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN.

  4. Abba Father, thank You for al your blessing. Thank You for hearing a nd answeri ng my prayers. I love You Father God. ~ 🙏

  5. Abba Father thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed up me. Thank You for answered prayers and always being there for me ~ Amen 🙏

  6. I just want to Thank Jesus for life. PROTECTION strength mercy joy peace his love Lord please I never take your hands off me I need u we need u each and everyday we need u I yearn u Thank u for good and bad times so that I could always know your In the midst I speak forgiveness I DECLAREE AND DECREE ..PROSPERITY JOY ABUNDANCE I DECLAREE AND DECREE. FAVOR HAPPINESS IN MY HOME. MY RELATIONSHIP I DECLARE AND DECREE PROTECTION AND IT IS SO THANK U JESUS FOR BEING U THANK U ……AMEN

  7. Thank you JESUS for your blessings love guidance and protection thank you ABBA FATHER for being there when no one was. I love you in JESUS name I pray amen thank you GOD

  8. Thanks Lord for always blessing my days and as I go out today for the hustle bless me and protect me from all the earthly evil, protect me from accidents and pliz Lord protect my family too from every deadliest situation in Jesus name I pray AMEN

  9. Our Father in heaven, I come to you this morning with a heart of gratitude for the great things you have done in my life, thank you Lord for divine protection and your continue grace and mercy towards me and my family. The month of September is loaded with great blessings and testimony untold. Thank you Lord for the gift of life.

  10. Please pray that my husband’s surgery goes well and that God will guide the doctor’s hands while he’s doing surgery to put in a feeding tube and doing a biopsy on his lung and thoracic area. Lord please let the cancer be isolated to his esophagus and Gi junction. Please lord let him/us beat this cancer and come back stronger and cancer free. Please God Jesus I Pray in your Name heal James Toby Molasso… Amen

  11. Thank you for this new day Lord Jesus
    We must love one another as you first loved us
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  12. I am who I am because of his love. His love knows no measure it have no boundaries it is pure. I thank God for his love and faithfulness towards me. When I think of every day his mercies are new his store house has never been exhausted, he supplied me with enough grace to carry me throughout the and no matter what I might face in that day his Grace he is that Grace which is sufficient to keep me. God’s Graces is forever.

  13. I witness that I have prayed this prayer and I profess that Jesus is my savior, He was born of a virgin, died on the cross crucified for our sins, he rose again on the third day, went up into heaven and will return to redeem us. He is the son of God.

  14. Dear God,
    I thank You,Father,for You are always so good to me,give me Your strength and comfort me with Your love.
    So today, I am ready to serve You,give You honor,praise and worship You,Amen.
    Today,I woke up asking for Your strength and forgiveness.
    Please give me the strength to throughout my day.
    And I ask for Your forgiveness,please forgive me for everything I have done wrong and forgive all of my sisns. Amen.
    I pray for You,Lord Jesus,to lead me walking in Your way of righteousness,in Your way of truth to follow The Word of God to do everything in my daily life. Amen.
    Through You,Lord Jesus,I will prosper and rejoice. Amen.
    Thank You Lord,to supply what I need,even before I ask,because You know what I need.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  15. I thank God for rededicating my ice again for the second time I just appreciate Him. Also for His protection and Guidance over me and my family

  16. Dear God,
    I thank You Father,for this day,for the wonderful life that You have given to me.
    Today,I receive Your Words of life,strength and encouragement.
    I choose to see myself the way You see me.
    I thank You for loving me and filling me with Your joy and peace.
    The joy of the Lord is my strength.
    I shall seek You each and every morning in my daily life. Amen.
    I thank You Lord,for bless me with many blessings and forgive me in my wrong of yesterday that doesn’t please You. Amen.
    Today,I ask for Your forgiveness.
    I am sorry,please forgive me all of my sins. Amen.
    I choose to walk in the way that You have prepared for me.
    I want my actions and reactions to please You and reflect You and Your love.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  17. Thank you Precious Father, No weapon formed against me shall not prosper Thank you for first living me
    I love Abba Father
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  18. Good morning Heavenly father
    Thank you for yet another day. I love you today and every day. Keep my family on this day, wrapped in your wonderful arms. Amen

  19. Abba Father I commit my son into your able hands as he continues to prepare for his examinations. Father bless him with retentive memory, wisdom sound health of mind and body, and understanding . Crown his efforts with excellent results in Jesus most precious name . Amen

  20. Thank you ABBA Father for your mercy and love towards your daughter Nnenne. Thank you for the journey mercies you granted her . Father I commit her into your hands, please Lord envelope her under your wings. No weapon or evils shall come near her or her dwellings in Jesus name.I offer her back to you father to take care of her .I will testify of your goodness in the land of the living .Thank you Jesus

  21. He is worthy to be praised
    Praise him!
    I love you Lord I am safely in your hands
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper
    Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen

  22. I’m total agreement with this prayer
    In the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth
    And I let God will be done ✅ in my life and my family
    It’s the new week lord has made i be glad and rejoice in it Amen..?

  23. Thank for these prayers. They have come to me in very, very difficult time in my life and have brought the much needed comfort and support I have needed.
    Please pray for a protection for my children and I from further abuse from my husband and in our daily lives.
    Please pray for financial blessings over my children and l. That these blessings come quickly to meet our needs now and in the future. That the blessing be great that we can share this blessings with others and use the knowledge and skills we have learned in our path God has sent us.
    Please pray for guidance and strength to find our as we transition out of this difficult time in our lives.
    Thank you, and may God bless you also as you pray for my children and I

  24. Lord Jesus help me, please help me true, to have true fa.ily and friends, to have water to shower heat for warmth, love, joy,peace and forgiveness, I can not depend on anybody but you
    For my life for my needs, I pray from the bottom of my heart for a financial blessing, by the precious blood of Jesus, you know where I am in my life, and I need peace and prosperity
    Oh lord Jesus, please help me!
    Amen & Amen

    1. I need prayer in my life I been thru ups and down right now I am not financially stable I don’t work for I am in a monthly disability which I depend on my ex and he is always kicking me out. I need prayer for financial issues that I can love on my own

    1. Oh Jesus, I thank you for this day. I need strength, forgiveness and prayer. Let your will be done. You are a forgiving God. Take my old vices away from me. I’m laying my burdens down Lord, having a little talk with Jesus.
      You say ask and you shall receive. I worship you, I praise your holy name.
      In Jesus Name. Amen

      1. Dear Father i thank you soo
        Much because I and my family we sleep in peace and we wake up in peace Abba father we say May name be Glorify in Jesus name Amen.

  25. Dear Father God,
    I thank You Father,for let me wake up every morning and be thankful for the wonderful life that You have given to me.
    Thank You Father,for give me the strength for today wherever I go.
    Strength from Thy hand. Amen.
    I thank You Father,that You will fill me with the joy of the Lord.
    The joy of the Lord is my strength.
    I shall seek You,each and every morning in my day. Amen.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for You bless me with many blessing and forgive me in my everything wrong that doesn’t please You.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  26. Thank you. I so so so needed this word. I am severely tested at the moment and I ask that you will pray with me that my faith will be strengthened. My husband is involved in a court case and they want to take away his drivers licence. This will severely impact our lives and our livelihood. I need to get a word from the Lord. Please pray in agreement with me that He will give me clear direction. Praise the Lord. I believe I receive. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray. So be it. Amen.

  27. Father God i put before you my dad whose having heart surgery this very moment. I asked that hes been a child of you for years. I ask that you unblock whatever is in his aorta. You know his heart and you continue to pump his heart. You are the puppeteer and we are the puppet. We trust and honor you that my dad will get up and walk as you perform your miracle as people arose from your almighty hand. I give you glory honor and praise that he is heales by your stripes. In Jesus name Amen.

  28. Thank you so much for all the prayers posted. I’m a new believer and it seems my spirit man needs all of these. They teach me how to pray and my heart rejoices! I trust God is working in my life. Starting with cleaning out the rooms in my heart a deep cleaning. I need more of God and less of this world in me. I pray daily that God changes my character and builds me up to better serve him. For his glory. Peace, wisdom and strength to all, amen!

    1. Life made me realize that through Christ all things are possible and that today’s readings confirmed again on how he touches everyone lives who believes in him in Jesus holy name amen!!

  29. I dong’t deserve any of God mercy for all the sins I have committed but God is good and merciful that I have only Jesus as my best friend and my father he is everything to me I just got to tell him all my needs and he is there for me God makes a way for us don’t worry about anything you just Carry your problems to the lord Jesus is our Father who is for us and will do the best for us he who made us in his image and his breath is in us he will never ever let us down do just Carry everything to our Father

  30. I pray that God continues to lead me in the direction he meant for me to go. All distractions must be disregarded. I am on a mission to become all God has created me to be and help others with the same mission in life.

    1. Thank you Jesus for the Precious Blood you shed to save a wretch like me♥️♥️Thank you for your love, kindness,Mercy,your Grace your forgiveness,your Compassion & for Everything.I love you Jesus♥️?♥️

  31. My husband of 20 years left me and my 2 kids about 6 months ago, and although I am so thankful for all of God’s favors in helping me slowly move forward from this traumatic event, I pray that He can provide a miracle to someday bring my husband home to us. I have asked for forgiveness for my hurtful words and actions, and am trying to understand my husband’s perspective, but it’s difficult as we’re in the eye of the storm in the middle of a very bitter divorce. There is no communication, which is making me feel like I’m drowning. Please God, help me and my kids overcome our hurt, pain and despair, and help shift my husband’s mind to soften his heart and soul to help him see that divorce isn’t the answer. Bring him back to us someday soon…in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

    1. May the peace of Christ rule in your heart. Your husband may have left you, but remember, God will never leave you. God’s blessings and favor is with you and your precious children. Amen.

    2. Dear Trish,
      Im in some what similar situation. Ive learned that we have to fully turn everything over to God and put our trust in him. When you turn it over to Jesus, you don’t need to know his perspective. Ive learned that when you try to intervene, God feels that you dont trust and want him to takeover completely.

      Just pray that he aligns you with his word. Continue to give God the glory. God has a purpose and plan for everyone. The plan maybe for your husband to come back or could be that God wants to work with you and with husband out of picture this could be so. Just align yourself and tell God to order and direct your steps. Get closer to God and and every thing will be ok. Let him fight the battle and the victory will be yours in Jesus name

    3. I am in a similar situation, my husband of 21 years moved out 11 months ago and filed for divorce 2 months ago. We have 2 teenage daughters. I pray many times a day for God to send him the Holy Spirit to guide him back, to soften his heart, to see that reconciliation is so possible. I have asked for forgiveness from God and from my husband of the wrong things I have done, my anger towards him, my hurtful words and actions towards him. I agree that divorce is not the answer nor is it the first thing one does! He never verbalized to me he was thinking of leaving until he had already decided to leave. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted. I was oblivious to the signs he was sending out all these years.
      I am going to support groups, therapy, and prayers to better myself, to change my attitude, my impatience, my sharp tongue. I pray several times a day for patience, wisdom, endurance and kindness. My husband has given up in our marriage. The sad part is, we didn’t even go to any marriage counseling or support groups to help restore us and show us how to have a healthier relationship. Now, I am learning a lot from support groups, classes and books. There are so many women who are hurting and in similar situations as we are.
      I wish I had known of these resources available 2 to 3 years ago. There are so many resources out there to teach us how to recognize our dysfunction and grow into a healthier way of relating to each other. with his imperfections and flaws, I love my husband unconditionally. He is a good man, was a good, loving husband and father, he got tired of the fighting and wants a different life. I continuously pray to God to guide him back, give my the strength to endure and help my daughters cope.

    4. Trish, our GOD is good. He knows what’s best. Divorce was never meant to be. Just hang in there and give all your burdens to GOD. He will hold you close and help you through this. I’ll be praying for you and your children. It’s not all your fault. I usually find that the blame for these things goes both ways (50/50). Stay strong!

  32. Thank you Heavenly Father for another day with Your new mercies, I am blessed to have You Lord in my life. You have blessed me with all Heavenly blessings and I am very thankful and praise Your Holy Name for what You have done on the cross for me…

  33. Dear Loving Father,

    The people of Yemen have been on my heart. The civil war in Yemen has displaced, disrupted, killed, and destroyed the country’s infrastructure, economy, services, and emotional and psychological health of the Yemeni.

    I ask that You, Loving Father restore peace and stability to Yemen. Remove interfering countries that are contributing to the chaos and instability there. Amen!

    1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

  34. God is greater than our problems,he is a way maker,miracle working God,a protector and a provider who will never disappoint His children.He will always come through for us no matter our circumstances,we should align ourselves to his will.I praise you Lord in Jesus name

  35. My today declaration
    I will say to Jehovah! the creator of heaven and earth, you are my refuge, strength and my STRONGHOLD,
    MY God in WHOM I will trust.
    Bless be your name AMEN.

  36. I am a pastor of a church of about sixty, I have suffered serious setbacks in my life and ministry but since I joined this prayers in the month of June,2019 especially on Removing Blockages and Barriers. I am beginning to experience freedom and breakthrough. Praise God.

  37. Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness upon my life, thank you for your answers, i give you praise Lord Jesus AMEN

    1. Thank you man of God for all these prayers and encouragement may God continue to bless you and your family
      Continue to do the work of God I pray that God will continue to strengthen you
      God bless you

  38. Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness upon my life, thank you for your divine mercy, divine love and divine grace upon me. I blessed your Holy Name ABBAH FATHER, in Jesus Christ, holy and powerful Name AMEN

    1. Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus!God is truly in our midst!I have been thru different storms in life from being totally broke and having infirmities but God has healed my sickness and my brokeness. God has given me hope to be able to start again with my business. The most beautiful thing is i have seen and experience Gods mercy and love…since i joined this prayers this year it has given me more strength and be more intimate with God. Thank you also for praying for my mom when she got hospitalized this year. We had a miracle she is completely healed and the operation for her brain dint push through anymore. All praises and glory to God.

  39. Dear Father God.
    I thank You, Father, for listening and answering my prayers, and always being here for me when I need You.
    I thank You, Father, for showing me the way, so I may know what step to take, that will keep me safe.
    Dear God, please grow me in righteousness, that I may become more like Jesus and give words of encouragement and hope.
    I thank You, Lord, for granting me wisdom, giving me strength and bringing peace in my life.
    So today, I am ready to follow my dear Lord Jesus. I am ready to serve, honour, praise and worship Him.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

    1. I was a relationship for eight years, found my partner cheating. He made several attempts for us to mend matters but he always end up going back to that person who has relationships with other men. I need to get out of this mess. He has taken my jewelry and did other wrong things not to mention. I pray for God’s intervention in this situation.

      1. Good morning
        Thank you lord for waking me up this morning. I pray for healing in my body. Lord bless heal me take away all my pain and depression from me. Help me lord to be strong. Lord destroy all my enemies who are trying to destroy me. Lord you know who is working evil on my life and my future. Lord help me to be happy and kind and loving and caring about everything. Bless my heart my home my family especially my daughter as she is in school. Help her to focus on her studies. I asked this in Jesus name Amen and Amen I need you lord. Thank you lord.
        Lord please bring peace to this world and all who is hurting in Jesus name Amen. 🙏