ABC Attributes Of God – Who God Is To Me
My Abba Father, Almighty God, I love and Adore You. You are the Alpha and the Omega, Author and Finisher of my faith, and are Awesome.
You are Beautiful beyond description, my Bountiful Creator and Comforter. In You I find my Dwelling Place. You are my Deliverer, My Eternal and Everlasting Father, Faithful and Forgiving always.
The Great I AM
My God of Glory, the Great I AM, Your Grace is sufficient for me. My Holy Spirit, Healer and most Holy One is Incredible and have made me in Your Image and likeness.
Jesus Christ, my Jehovah Jireh, provider of all great things is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Light of my world.
My Majestic Messiah, You are Magnificent, Mighty and my Merciful Master. Jesus is the Name above all names!
Jehovah Shalom, You are my Prince of Peace, Omnipotent (all-powerful), Omnipresent (everywhere) and Omniscient (all knowing) God, Perfect in every way, with Your Quickening Spirit which produces abundant life for me.
The Same, Yesterday, Today, Forevermore
My Righteous Redeemer, my Refuge, my Sovereign Saviour and Strongtower, You are the same yesterday, today and forevermore. You are my Trustworthy Teacher, Understanding and Unwavering in Your love.
In You I claim Victory as You are Victorious, Wise, Wonderful; Worthy of all my praise; Xtra-ordinary and eXalted on high. Yahweh, my Zealous God, You are MY WORLD, in You I live and breathe and place my confidence and trust.

ABC Attributes of God
- A – Abba Father, Almighty God, Author and Finisher of my faith, Awesome, Alpha and the Omega
- B – Beautiful beyond description, Bountiful
- C – Creator, Comforter
- D -Dwelling Place, Deliverer
- E – Eternal, Everlasting Father
- F – Faithful, Forgiving
- G – God of Glory, Great I AM
- H – Holy Spirit, Healer, Holy One
- I – Incredible
- J – Jesus, Jehovah Jireh
- K – King of Kings
- L – Lord of Lords, Light
- M – Mighty, Magnificent, Majestic, Merciful Messiah
- N – Name above all names
- O – Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (everywhere) and Omniscient (all knowing)
- P – Prince of Peace, Perfect
- Q – Quickening Spirit
- R – Righteous Redeemer, Refuge
- S – Sovereign Saviour, Strongtower
- T – Trustworthy Teacher
- U – Understanding, Unwavering
- V – Victorious
- W – Wise, Wonderful, Worthy
- X – Xtra-ordinary, eXalted
- Y – Yahweh
- Z – Zealous
He is My World, in Him I live and breathe and place my confidence and trust!

Thank you so very much for these Attributes of God! My daughter and I are studying together and we were just talking about this. I’m going to turn it into a bookmark for her for Christmas – it’s perfect!!!
Thank you for sharing the Good News! I love this article. It makes you think and puts you on a different perspective. Oh, how great God is…! Love, the ABC’s Attributes of God!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Bevjoy!
Thanks for a wonderful article, please add bible reference.
I love this article the ABC, attributes of God. Can I have it in PDF format.
I love this…I say it everyday. I adore n love my FatherGod. Thank U…
Thank you so much for posting!!! What would improve this already great post is to include scripture references. But it’s a start to my project with my girls! Thanks again!
You are most welcomed, D…. 🙂
Amen! To GOD be the GLORY! Amen
This is great. Please could we use it as part of a children’s slot in our church?
Thanks for your interest.
Please contact us for details using our Contact page.
Have a wonderful day!
Amen! So wonderful Bev Forgenie. Thank you
My Lord my God all Powerful and Might
Everlasting and Eternal Your reign up high
Omnipresent and Omniscient Your presence magnifies
Your Everlasting Love and Grace Your rule dignifies