The Yearning for a Father’s Love: A Heartfelt Testimony

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I just wanted to share this powerful experience I had with God. An experience of knowing Him as Father God, our Abba. I grew up without a father’s love, influence and role model in my life, like many out there who are suffering.

My mom, who I love so much, did everything she could to take both roles and be the provider of the house. She did everything she could but she was without God’s guidance. She took on a role for which she was not made for and which most of the times left her feeling frustrated and angry, as she didn’t know God back then.

I grew up resenting the absence of my father and my father’s love. I have a memory of me crying in my small bed as a four-year-old and saying “Dad, come back. Where is daddy?”

I had an emptiness in my heart as the yearn to have a father, to whom I could run when I felt afraid or when I needed his advice, wasn’t there.

The anger, the shame, the rejection I felt from my father and his family poisoned my heart to the point that it burned inside of me. It was a consuming hatred and I said that I would never forgive my father, no matter what.

Even if he came crawling, I wouldn’t have had mercy on him, as he didn’t have any on a 4-year-old who he had left alone. I never thought I would need a father, or a father’s love.

But God Had Other Plans

I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 17-years-old in November 2012. Oh, I cry right now as I remember how Jesus cleaned my heart.

He saved my soul, He healed my wounds, my broken heart, and all the anger, pain, resentment, bitterness, and rejection I had in it. Psalms 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds”.

I forgave my father for abandoning my mother and me. I released all the pain and anger that I had felt for years since childhood and God took control in my life.

Months passed. At one point, I still felt that yearning to know what a father’s love felt like. Before I had told myself that I didn’t need a father because of the bitterness in my heart.

Now that God had cleaned it, I realized that I was ready to receive God as my Father, my Abba. This is one of the problems we face today with the youth, that they do not know their identity with their Father.

Experiencing The Father’s Love

In a small prayer with a couple of sisters, we prayed together. I was crying and asking God not aloud, but in my head with my thoughts as I couldn’t speak because of the crying.

I was asking God to tell me He loved me. That I knew He did because of what His Word said plus the sacrifice, but I needed for Him to let me feel it and hear it.

A young girl came to me. God has given her great spiritual gifts. While I was on my knees and about to stand up, she got close and told me this, “The Lord has heard your plea. He has listened to your cry, to your words. This is what He puts in my heart to say, ‘I love you daughter, and you have no idea just how much.'”

I couldn’t contain the feeling in my chest and heart at the moment! Once again, I sank to my knees. I was filled with God’s love as a Father and I could never explain that feeling of peace, feeling so full of love, of knowing that I am loved by Him. I will never forget this experience.

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  1. My father rejected and abandoned me. He died 2 years ago. My half brother didn’t tell me. I was deeply hurt but now I pray for him and visited his grave. I let go of all anger and bitterness towards them. Sarah Delaney

  2. Good morning Father God thank you for all your blessings carry on protecting me and my family I need financial breakthrough Father God so I can be in a position to help my family friends and anyone that is in need . Father God I thank you for everything I ask you to daily wash me and my family with the blood of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour… in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen so it is…

  3. I needed to read this. I know it feels not to have a father and his family stopped being in my life after i got older. My dad stay about 10 minutes from me not once he cared. He was to busy being family with my lil brother, my sister and their mom. I was really hurt by that as a kid. I think around in my 20’s that is when i asked to help me with anger, bitterness, resentment i had towards my father. I couldn’t carried all that own. I was finding myself letting my dad get angry and messing up my day because of his actions. I thank God for helping through that dark time. As of now my dad still haven’t stepped up and i am in my 30’s. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I let go and let God. The sad part about it when i do talk to my dad through a cousin on that side of the family he doesn’t say hey or anything he asked me for money and talked about my finance’s. But i let go. I am trying to change and get closer to God. God is my father that will never leave me.

  4. God is Great all the time and when we cry out he will listen us !
    what I’m ! I am here only by his Grace ..!
    May God bless you all and please pray for me and my Son ‘s Future plans .. Praise the Lord..

  5. For I know The lord heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
    Thank you Jesus
    Please give me peace and prosperity, help my Son get a job, for he is 26 and has not sought gainful employment since 0ctober 2015, I don’t understand why he wants to be broke daily, please go into his heart Lord Jesus, and give him the want, desire to seek you, and gain full employment, please save him from Video games, and sleep, smoking pot, I claim this all by the precious blood of Jesus, Thy will be done
    Amen & Amen??❤❤

  6. Dear Karla,
    We are in Christ Jesus,and we are all are His children.
    I thank you for your Testimony.
    May God continue to bless you with His love and give you strength to through out every situation in this life.

  7. Absolutely love this Karla as I too felt all that humiliation when my Mother would not wed my Father before I was born. It broke my heart, his heart and much later in life my mother’s heart, as she had so many regrets about it, as my Father was a good and Godly man and loved her so very much.

    I too said I would never forgive my Mother and I never really did until I reached my late 30’s and I understood more about their situation. They were both just 16 and 17 and my Mother very head strong.

    Anyway maybe you have just encouraged me to write my own Testimony about my Parents, a story that should maybe be told…….thank you and God Bless You Karla. Yvonne Marie Miller