My Salvation Testimony – Saved by Grace
I grew up in a Christian home. We weren’t adamant church-goers at the time but my mom would still teach me salvation truths from the Bible. Growing up, I knew about Jesus. But I didn’t know what is was to be saved.
At about age twelve/thirteen, after writing the Common Entrance exams, I started school at one of the Junior Secondary Schools. It was there through having the Religious Instruction teachers talk to us about the need to accept Jesus, that I really started questioning my place in heaven.
I didn’t know what it was then, but now I could say, it was the Holy Spirit that started promoting me.
The question about my sin-state weighed so heavily on my conscience that I began having consecutive dreams about the rapture and being left behind. Because, in a way, I knew I never accepted Jesus and all that He made available on the cross.
Being in the presence of God
It was around this time that I heard about the crusade with Pastor Benny Hinn. I didn’t know what would happen that day. But something about being in the presence of God changes you. I gave my life to Jesus that day.
At the service, the rains came down while we waited for hours. We were stranded in the rain for some parts – even Pastor Benny Hinn would tell you that it was the rain in Trinidad that ruined his beloved Bible :).
But I always say, don’t let the rain or other distractions deter you from going. I got drenched in the rain at a crusade in 1999 but I still received and was saved.
After I said the sinner’s prayer, now with the understanding of what I just did, I could sense an almost tangible feeling of being cleansed and free. I don’t think I understand fully what that did for me that day. I’m still being shown how that decision of accepting Christ and receiving His grace changed me.
Salvation – Things begin to change
A lot of things dropped out my life then. Things like low self-esteem left and I had peace like I never knew.
I mean, I never considered myself to be the brightest bulb in the box, I still don’t. But today I have two Bachelor degrees in Science, and I don’t even use them.
I just did them to prove what God can do with a person like me, who could never concentrate in the classroom.
The Lord really didn’t just come into my heart, he came into my life. And being saved at that early age, I was spared many things that the young person would normally face.
Many times I get this self righteous way of thinking it was all me, but then The Lord will point me back to where it started and show me, it was grace… “By grace we are saved through faith and not of ourselves; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). It’s what empowers us to live godly lives.
Love the world, or love the Father
There’s a scripture that says “If anyone loves the world, the love OF the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). It’s His love that we receive in us that causes us to change. That’s why we need the gospel. How will we know that we don’t have to live in bondage to sin and guilt unless someone tell us?
Today, I’m still learning. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It will take time and I’m still being shaped for my destiny.
The ministry of the Evangelist is very dear to my heart. I’ve been impacted several different times through the work of evangelists. Right now it is my desire to help them extend their hands to the work they were called to do.