Seek, Inquire And Require God
Seek and Require God
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13
Today’s life is filled with distractions and noise, and it can be easy to lose sight of our need for God. We get caught up in the busyness of life, the pursuit of success and pleasure, and the endless scroll of social media. Yet deep within each of us is a gnawing hunger that cannot be satisfied by the temporary things of this world. We were made for more – to know and be known by God.
Keep Your Focus on God
God invites us to seek Him with all our heart. This is not a half-hearted, casual seeking, but a pursuit that consumes our entire being. When we make God our highest priority and greatest passion, He promises that we will find Him. For it is not in our own strength that we discover God, but by His grace as we tenaciously set our minds on the things of God.
But seeking God is not just a one-time event – it is the journey of a lifetime. As we walk with Him day by day, we must continually inquire of the Lord, asking for His wisdom, guidance, and counsel on the path we should take.
Too often we lean on our own understanding instead of thirsting after the mind of Christ through prayer, study of His Word, and by being attentive to His still small voice.
Inquire of the Lord
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3
Inquiring of the Lord is an act of seeking divine wisdom and understanding. It involves asking God questions, seeking His will for our lives, and listening attentively for His response. In a world filled with noise and distractions, it’s crucial to find a quiet space where we can hear God’s voice. Whether through prayer, reading the Scriptures, or quiet meditation, inquiring of the Lord opens the door to deeper insight and revelation.
Take Your Eyes Off The Problems
To seek (or search for), to inquire (or request) and to require (to have need of) the Lord by necessity takes our eyes off our problems and places them on a God who is good and who will feed us and we will be satisfied.
God, who is compassionate and faithful towards us, will stand by His word. If you are facing a situation in your life today – take your focus off of it and turn your eyes towards the Lord. Seek His face, call upon Him, require Him as necessary to life, His Word is not created to fail – He will answer your cry.
May His grace be sufficient now and always, Amen.
Taking our eyes off Jesus is the most dangerous thing we could ever do. Paradoxically, it is also the easiest. We can let past hurts, troubles, or even good things distract us from the ultimate prize, which is Jesus Christ alone. I feel keeping my eyes upon Jesus is rarely an easy thing. My old, fleshly natures conspire against any attempt to remain faithful to the Savior. We can forget that our reward is Christ Himself and wander off into the vain pursuit of other things. We can allow the cares of this fallen world to push us away from our Heavenly Father instead of looking to Him in the middle of our troubles and pain, but please DON’T leave His amazing care, because we cannot help ourselves, we cannot do everything ourselves….we need Him,for He can do things we cannot do, He can solve the problems we cannot solve. He will Strengthen us and increase our Faith for the race ahead, so please keep your eyes on the One who loved you first.