Prayer – I Will Wait Upon The Lord

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When you feel you are in limbo, wait upon the Lord to sort it out. I find this to be particularly true when there is no answer as to what to do next, or which direction to take.

It’s also true in those situations where I may not even want to speak to someone because I cannot fully comprehend where I am, what is really going on, nor why I am there.

The scripture says “Do not turn to the right, nor turn to the left” and also “Do not look back”. If you cannot move forward, just wait. Let God put things into motion for you.

Thank Him and Praise Him, and call upon your angels to help set your path straight.

Think about what God has to do to resolve your dilemma. How many people He has to change, who they are, what they have to do and how long it may take them to obey God, for you to receive your blessings.

What You Do While You Wait Upon The Lord

Waiting is also an act of obedience. It is what you do when you are waiting that helps you to grow.

Just like Peter, when he was walking on water, trust God. Have faith that He has you and your situation under control. Do not act on your own might nor merit and just leave it to Him for as long as it takes.

Cast your cares. Be happy. Expect great things. Thank and bless Him, and wait. It is always a good idea to occupy your mind with God and Jesus while you are waiting.

Remind Him of His Word and all of His promises regarding how He said He will take care of you. That’s speaking to God and having a relationship with Him.

Waiting May Be Tough, But …

I know that God is a great God. He is the Almighty, the Most High and He loves you. As tough as waiting may seem, it is always the best decision.

When God bestows His blessings on you for your obedience, you WILL know that He is Lord and that it came from Him. He reveals Himself in your blessings, so give Him thanks and praise.

The longer the waiting period, sometimes, the greater the testimony is on the greatness, love and mercy of God. Let us pray.

Prayer: I will wait upon the Lord

Heavenly Father, in the quiet of this moment, I come before You to declare my intention to wait upon You. In a world that rushes and races, You call me to a posture of patience and trust.

My soul yearns for immediate answers and quick resolutions, yet I know Your ways are higher than mine, Your timing more perfect than any I could devise.

Teach me, Lord, to embrace the waiting as a sacred space where my faith can grow and my spirit can find rest in You. Help me to understand that in the waiting, You are working, weaving together a tapestry of grace that will reveal Your glory and goodness in my life.

Isaiah 40:31 – Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.

Isaiah 8:17 – And I will wait for the LORD who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob; I will even look eagerly for Him.

Seeking Peace and Patience

Grant me peace in the midst of uncertainty, and patience in the face of delay. Calm my anxious thoughts and quiet my restless heart. Remind me that You are sovereign over every aspect of my life, and that nothing escapes Your notice or Your care.

In times of waiting, let me be attentive to Your presence and open to the lessons You wish to teach me. May I find joy in the journey, knowing that You walk beside me, guiding and guarding every step.

I thank You, Father, for the promise and the process of waiting. I choose to wait upon You with a heart full of gratitude and faith, believing that the best is yet to come. In the name of Jesus, who is my hope and my salvation, I pray, Amen!

Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry.

Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him.

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  1. Thank you God for reminding me.
    Patience and waiting for is one of your teaching to me God.
    I am waiting and seeking for you Lord.
    I claimed you in my life and no one else its all you that i am depending on you right now.

  2. Lord Jesus,
    Thank you for all your mercies and grace you have bestowed on me and my family. My brother is back home after a long illness fighting Covid. Praise you Lord for all your Glory and Healing. I am filled with thankfulness Lord and will always praise you abundantly for all your mercies.
    My brother is going through a personal situation lord and I pray for all barriers be removed. There are people taking advantage of his kindness and good nature and are trying to exploit him Lord.
    My brother is meek, humble and submissive and not able to handle mean, arrogant and selfish people who manipulate things to get their way. Please help him stay strong and get wisdom and knowledge from you Lord so that all barriers and strongholds blocking his path to a better life is removed in the mighty name of Lord Jesus.
    I pray for all negative forces which are targeted towards my brother, my mother, me, my husband and my children be rejected rebuked and cast away in the mighty name of Lord Jesus.
    I thank you Lord Jesus for all your care and support for all your love and blessings. I praise you Jesus I love you Jesus and I adore you in the mighty name of Jesus Amen.

  3. Thank you lord for this day and life. Please let me be patient as I wait on you lord to align my life together with love. AMEN

  4. Yes, waiting for the Lord to show us the way, Holy Spirit guides each one of us to act, our Lord has a plan for us.❤️

  5. Father God, thank you for all your blessings. Father God, give me the strength not to go backwards in life and help me to go forward, in Jesus name amen. I pray for strength, clarity and wisdom, in Jesus name, amen amen amen.

  6. Dear God, Lord Jesus, I love You with all my heart.

    You are my everything, my Lord and my Savior. I will wait patiently on You, for the salvation of the Lord.

    I will wait patiently for the Lord to answers my prayers.

    I will fight a good fight of faith to win all my battles.

    I am confident that You are going to win all my battles.

    I will walk with You, Lord Jesus, to win all my battles.

    Lord Jesus, I will wait on You, as only You have the correct and best answers for me. Hallelujah.

    In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen and Amen.

  7. Dear almighty God, please find me a good feature husband or fix my relationship with the father of my kids to work very well and to get married soon. Because we have been now five years and now we don’t understand each other. Please help me God.

  8. This is so timely, thank you for all these precious prayers you put forwards to help people like me. May God’s blessings be upon you

  9. I am waiting on God for my life partner. I have been in a few failed relationships but this time Lord, I choose to be still and wait on you.
    Thank you Lord Jesus ??

  10. When God bestows his blessings on you for being obedient, you will know that he is Lord!
    Thank you for a new day, give me your peace, grace, health, happiness, forgiveness, patience, favorable grace Dear Lord
    Let everything work out for the good of you
    Oh lord Peace be still
    Thank you Jesus
    Amen & Amen??❤❤

  11. Dear God,
    I thank You Lord Jesus,for You are always being there for me,when I need You. Amen.
    Lord Jesus,I will wait patiently on You,for the salvation of the Lord,and to answers my prayers.
    Lord Jesus,thank You,for You always do what’s the best for me.
    Lord Jesus,I am confident that You are going to win all my battles for me.
    I will fight a good fight of faith.If God is with me,who can be against me.
    I will walk with my Lord Jesus, to win all my battles.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen.and Amen..

  12. I am waiting Lord but I have $59 to live on until February 26, 2020
    I have no water, no heat, but heaters Thank you Jesus
    And my SSD account got hacked, please let that money get back in my account, lightning fast, I have the Dr. On Monday, I lord have to let go and let god, help me please, I’m hungry, I need help, I have no food, God please help me.
    Amen & Amen

  13. Our God is faithful and good all the time. I will wait on Him for I know He will surely and definitely answer my prayers so I give Him thanks and praise in advance in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    1. I praise and give you many thanks my Father God. My heavenly father i put all my trust into you. Father you come first in my life. Father i am waiting upon you to sort things out that is going on in my life. Heavenly Father i know i have stop talking to a few people because things in my life was a mess. Heavenly Father i learned that what i did was wrong. And I understand that i can’t my problems off on others. Father i know you are going to put things into motion. Father i called upon my angels to help set my path straight. My heavenly Father i put my trust into you and your word. I know you got me and my situation under control. I had to learn how not to act on my own and turn to you. Having a relationship with God is so awesome. I cast all my cares to you Father. I am happy and i expected good things. I rebuke the devil trying to put negative thoughts in my head. Father i know i got the victory. Father i surrender my life to you. Mold me and shape into being good hearted person like you. Father you are my Savior. Father you said you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory. I will obediently wait on you Father. God is a good God. Father God i know you will make a way out of no way. My heavenly father have mercy on me. I am in need of financial miracle, i need a job in order to pay my bills that are due. My heavenly Father you know what is best for me. Amen

  14. I praise You,my dear Lord Jesus Christ.
    I seek You in my first morning,for You are my God,my Savior.
    Thank You Lord Jesus,for always be with me in everything I do to throughout my day.
    I thank You for the many blessings You have bestowed upon me today and always.
    I will be patiently wait on You,Lord Jesus,to answered my prayers. Amen
    I know that You always doing what’s the best for me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen..

  15. There is no other like the love of the Lord
    I will obediently wait on you Lord Jesus
    I give my life to you, mold me shape me into what you want me to be as your child
    Thank you Jesus
    Amen & Amen

  16. God my Heavenly Father I thank you for the many blessings for me and my family
    Father I bless your holy name and thank you for the blood of Jesus who died for us. Heavenly Father I come to you with my cares I know you can make a way where seems to be no way. Father you said that if we ask we will receive if we knock the door will be opened and if we seek you we will find you. Father you said you will supply all my needs according to your riches in glory. Father have mercy on me and my children I need a financial miracle to buy food to get out of debt and pay my bills that are due In Jesus name I pray Amen and Amen.

  17. I praise and give You many thanks my Father in Heaven,for You are my Lord.
    I will be patiently to wait on You my dear Father in Heaven,for the Salvation of the Lord,and to answers my prayers. Amen
    I thank you for the many blessings You have given for me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen

  18. My dear Almighty God,Great and Mighty is Your name Lord,You are worthy of all my love,respect,honor and praise.
    You are my strong tower.
    In You I put my confidence and trust.Thank you for taking care of me,and supply all my needs.
    Thank you for teaching me to waiting for Your answers my prayers,and what I can do to serve You.
    Thank you Lord,for Your unfailing love in my life and blessings You bestowed upon me.
    In Jesus mighty name I pray.
    Amen and Amen.

  19. Yes Lord
    For it is Good that one should wait Patiently and Quietly For the Salvation of the Lord
    Amen & Amen

  20. Yes Lird i praise you and i give it all to you, For ut is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord
    Amen & Amen

  21. When God bestows His blessings on you for your obedience, you WILL know that He is Lord. I have learned to TRUST in GOD. I WILL TRUST in the LORD is my favorite song.