The Awesome God: Embracing His Majesty!

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We Serve an Awesome God!

In the midst of life’s trials and tribulations, it’s easy to lose sight of the divine majesty and power of God. Our daily struggles can cloud our vision, making it difficult to see beyond our immediate circumstances. However, it is precisely in these moments that we must remind ourselves of the fundamental truth of our faith: We serve an awesome God!

Isaiah 40:28 reminds us, “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.” This passage invites us to marvel at the infinite nature of God’s power and wisdom. Unlike us, God does not grow tired; His vigilance over creation is constant and unending.

How God Created the World

Have you ever wondered about the way God created the world? I know I have. And I guess my question is why did God create us(Adam and Eve) last?

In Genesis (the beginning), chapter one tells us how the world was created:

God made light – there was only darkness before, not only was light created but He separated it from the darkness. That was our first day and night in history.
God made the heaven, the earth and the seas – He made all the dry land and all the waters collected into their specific places.

God made all the vegetation – all the plants, trees, grass, shrubs, fruit vines were created. Not only did the flora came into being but they were also created to bring forth seed after their own kind to continue to flourish over the earth.

God created the sun, moon and stars – the lights that tell us when it’s day and night. It signals seasons and times, reminding and calling forth times and seasons.

God created the creatures of the sea and the air– God filled the seas with all sorts of creative life, and the air with every type of bird.

God created all the earthly creatures – livestock, creeping and crawling creatures, every type of land creature.

The Best For Last

What God did was very logical and chronological. Without the previous, the other would not survive.

So then He created man. He didn’t just save the best for last, but He needed to provide for man prior to being created. Man was the only one of God’s creation created in God’s image and likeness.

When God created everything that He looked upon was fitting, pleasant and He approved it (verses 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25 and 31). God approved of the entire of creation completely. There was not one thing that was made that was not approved.

All in preparation for mankind

In the same way, God created everything in preparation for man, so that when man was created, he could operate and function in a full and complete way.

So too the journey of our lives. Many times we wonder why we have to go through trials and tribulations.

It is simply for this purpose. It is to prepare us for the next step and the next and the next, until we reach to the place where God wants us to be. Along the way, we come to smaller places God wants us to reach before our ultimate place in this world.

When we reach those places and look back then we understand why God asked us to walk that way. If we didn’t go through the little stuff , we would not be prepared for the big stuff. Each little step causes our faith and our love for God to grow.

God’s Awesomeness On Display

God’s awesomeness is not just displayed in His power over creation but also in His unfailing love and mercy towards us. Ephesians 2:4-5 declares, “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”

It is truly awe-inspiring to ponder that the Creator of the universe loves us so deeply that He would send His only Son to die for our sins, offering us salvation and eternal life.

In moments of doubt or despair, we can find strength in the knowledge that we serve a God who is both infinitely powerful and infinitely loving. This realization empowers us to face life’s challenges with courage and confidence.

When we understand the greatness of God, our problems are put into perspective; what seemed insurmountable becomes manageable, not because the problems themselves have diminished, but because we have gained a glimpse of the magnitude of our God.

Little Baby Steps

God knows we are human and frail. He made us. There is nothing about us that He doesn’t know. So He gives us little steps to take.

And suddenly, when you look back, you are such a long way from when you started. It is then we can appreciate all the little steps.

James 1: 2-4 says: Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed, lacking in nothing.

We Do Serve An Awesome God

Let us then approach God with the reverence and awe He deserves, giving thanks for His immeasurable kindness and sovereign control over all things.

Hebrews 12:28-29 encourages us, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.'”

In our worship, in our prayers, and in our daily lives, may we continually reflect on the awesomeness of God, allowing it to transform us and shape our interactions with the world around us.

We indeed serve an awesome God—a God whose greatness is beyond our comprehension, yet whose presence is as close as our next breath. May this truth fill you with peace, strength, and an unshakeable hope as you walk through life, always remembering the incredible privilege it is to be known and loved by such an awesome God.

So the next time you face a small step of faith and don’t seem to understand why, remember that God sees the big picture. And, He is kind enough to allow us to take baby steps to our destinations.

May God’s patient understanding flood your spirits as you open up your heart to His will and purpose, Amen.

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  1. My dear Heavenly Father.

    I thank you for this day.

    I thank you for being able to have this day,able to see,hear,touch,feel and walk this mirning.

    Dear God,I pray that today,

    Please be with me,wherever I may go,to start this day.

    Please forgive me dear God.

    Forgive our sins,known and unknown,and continue to keep us safe from all dangers and harm,seen and unseen.

    Let us start this day with a clean heart.

    Please help me to remember that,nothing is going to happen to me today,because my Father is with me. Amen.

    Thank You Lord Jesus,for Your love is always for me.

    In Jesus mighty name I pray.

    Amen and Amen.

  2. Dear Father , Abba,

    Thank you got all you provide every day , for caring my children and parents . I ask for you love , wisdom , understanding more each day as I care for my parents who live with me now, just let me make there latter days peaceful , happy and to feel loved . They’ve both had a stressful life , and I just pray I can give then hope in you Abba. I’m scared there end days they will suffer , help me, work through me to give your love and blessings.

    Father I am an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Acute medicine I also pray to work your love and wisdom through me to help every patient , safely and the very best I can .

    I pray for my family , children , friends to know your love more each day , to keep them all safe and happy . Father, thank you with all my heart , I love you , amen xxxxxxxx❤️

  3. Dear Father God. You are most powerful. Your loving spirit tells me you are loving me. Please Father God. I am head over heels in love with you. Please give me joy and pour your precious blood over me inside and out in the name of Jesus amen.

  4. Please Jesus. Protect me from the evil one. Make me strong to manage living in this body with depression. Help me to overcome thev depression and live stronger

    Everyone says to get stronger you must work at it. I have been working at it 24/7, why can’t I do it

    Am expecting you much?

    Thank you for your blessing.

  5. All knowing and powerful God we thank you for creating me in your image. I am grateful that you know the end from the begining. Thank you for shaping my through my life-trials. I’m grateful for the countless blessings in my life. Teach me how to love myself and my neighbors as yourself. Prepare us all to stand one day in your presence. In Jesus powerful name Amen

  6. I praise You my dear Heavenly Father.I love You and I trust You.
    I know that You will done everything good for me ,my dear God,Amen.
    I surrender all to You.
    I give my life to You.
    I give this day to You.
    Because I am belong to You,dear Father God,Amen.
    I will follow You dear Lord Jesus forever and ever. Amen.
    Glory Be To Our Lord.
    The True Living God.
    The Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit.
    In Jesus mighty name.
    Amen and Amen.