Devotional – God Sees the Big Picture

God Sees The Big Picture!

So often we fail to see the big picture. Today, I happened to pass someone on the street that looked vaguely familiar. On taking a closer look I realized it…

God's Divine Plan For Your Life

God’s Divine Plan For Your Life

God’s Divine Plan For Life’s Journey Isaac earnestly sought the Lord’s intervention for his wife, Rebekah, who was unable to bear children. The Lord graciously responded, blessing Rebekah with pregnancy….

God Can, Trust God

God Can, Trust God

Has God given you a dream that looks impossible? Keep trusting in Him, He has amazing ways of realizing dreams when you obey Him. God Can!

Just Between You And God

Just Between You And God

Between You And God There are moments in your life when you can’t explain what God has done for you, how much you were rescued by Him because of His…